It was born in my mind many years ago, when - as a child - I used to walk down the wineyards with my father.
His vision of life and family made me become the man I am today: he taught me to believe in simple and natural things, have dreams and try to realize them.
Great is the luck of the man who may know people from Veneto and their genuineness.
I'm in love with my territory and if you are lucky enough to visit our sweet hills, you will definitely agree with me.
The production area of Prosecco Merlo is located at the foot of the Dolomites, in the hilly area of Asolo. The average altitude is about 250 m above sea level. The good temperature ranges and a particularly generous climate enable us to produce an excellent Prosecco Asolo DOCG Superiore.
In the gold
of the blooming fields
I rinse my eyes
Enrico Minato
In vino veritas
Pliny the Elder